Cartoon dad and son gay porn

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Augie, who loved his father, would often refer to him as 'dear old Dad.' Their mutual admiration included Daddy gently chiding, 'Augie, my son, my son', when he would disappoint his father and when his son would say or do something that inspired pride, Daddy would turn to the audience and say with a grin, 'Dat's my boy who said dat!' Doggie Daddy (voiced by Doug Young with a Brooklyn accent, based on a Jimmy Durante impersonation ) tried to do the best he could at raising his rambunctious son Augie (voiced by Daws Butler). The segments centered around the misadventures of a dachshund father-and-son team. The characters have made appearances outside of their series, including in their own video game and in Yogi's Ark Lark and its spin-off series. Doggie Daddy (voiced by Doug Young with a Brooklyn accent, based on a Jimmy Durante impersonation) tried to do the best he could at raising his rambunctious son Augie (voiced by Daws Butler).

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The segments centered on the misadventures of a dachshund father-and-son team. Television series Augie Doggie and Doggie DaddyĪugie Doggie and Doggie Daddy are Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters who debuted on The Quick Draw McGraw Show and appeared in their own segment.

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